Economic empowerment and social rights

Opportunities for Decent Work: Young professionals benefiting from the labour code

The overall goal on this intervention is empowering and improving the Albanian youth employment situations by increasing knowledge/information and utilization of the Labour Code for enabling youth to be actors of change on their sustainable employment and for building decent jobs. 

Donor: RISI Albania 

This project contains on conducting National Need Assessment “Young Professionals and Labour Code” which will serve for the experts to create the platform Albanian Youth Labour Rights, to consist on a better education, information, maintaining the young people knowledge on the labour rights and orienting their future employment. The online platform will be in close cooperation with the National Employment and Training Agency, the State Labor Inspectorate and the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination. 


Empowering youth in Albania through WBA alumni knowledge transfer

Starting from the observation YPN has made many young people lack soft skills, they do not know how to create a good cv or motivational letter and they lack work-ready skills as problem solving, critical thinking, creativity; the ability to deal with complexity and communication.  

This project aims to promote continuous educational and professional opportunities offered by Erasmus+ to young Albanians. Its primary goal is to enhance their professional skills and career development through training programs and a mentorship initiative. To provide a regional perspective to the project, trainers and mentors from the WBAA (Western Balkans Alumni Association) will be involved. These individuals, comprising young leaders and experienced change makers from the WBAA, will not only train and mentor the young participants but also share their national experiences. Moreover, this project will contribute to reducing prejudice and fostering the reconciliation process in the Balkans by facilitating the participants’ familiarity with Albania. 

Donor: Western Balkans Alumni Association 

Empowering the Youth Professionally 2021 - 2022

To expand opportunities beyond Tirana and provide young individuals from rural areas with professional and personal training, while fostering their awareness of active citizenship, this pilot project specifically targeted the youth of the Thumanë administrative unit within the Municipality of Kruja. 

As part of this initiative, young participants were enrolled in a comprehensive training program focused on developing their soft skills. They were given the opportunity to create their first CV and engage in several educational visits to notable institutions relevant to youth, including the National Youth Agency, the Regional Office for Youth Cooperation (RYCO), and the “House of Leaves.” Additionally, they had the chance to gain practical work experience in both business and nonprofit organizations, aligning with their career aspirations and preferences for their future professions. 

Donor: TITAN Cement 

Shaping Albania’s future through young professionals’ engagement

This project has been lunched at a period where the “Cross Cutting Strategy – Digital Agenda of Albania 2015-2020” has over and most likely the drafting of the new strategy will start. With this project YPN aims to increase youth engagement to the Albanian Digital Agenda through: Mobilizing young people to advocate to boost digital competencies and digital literacy in the future youth policies/strategies and developing concrete recommendations for the “Albanian Youth Strategy 2022-2029” about the needed digital skills for young people to be part of the workforce and education offer. 

Donor: Increasing Civil Engagement in Digital Agenda 

Youth DigiZone

The “Youth DigiZone” project aims to harness digitization, remote learning experiences and digital tools to mobilize young people as purposeful citizens to reinvent a more inclusive regional cooperation process. 

Equally, the project aims to work with young people to raise their decision-making and advocacy skills and to help mold a generation of democratic leaders who cross- historical, geographical and cultural barriers for a fair and inclusive economy. 

The stop and start nature of the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for political and development actions to be responsive, iterative and improve resiliency in the changing environment during and after the Covid19 era – which would require more nested relationships between people, institutions and governance decisions. Despite conflicts and crises in the past, joint action built on solidarity, cooperation and democracy can help build a stronger and more resilient region are needed.  

The project was leaded from Youth Alliance-Krusevo and implemented in close cooperation with Young Professionals Network, BETA Serbia , AYES – Association for Youth Empowerment and Security Croatia, PS “MAYA” 

Donor: Balkan Trust for Democracy  (a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the USAID – US Agency for International Development) 

Road Map of Social Enterprises

Road Map of Social Enterprises’ aims to create an online map with information of social enterprises form V4 and WB6 regions. The foreseen activities training course, networking event and the conference will support cross-sectorial networking between small enterprises, youth organizations, and educational institutions to build on partnerships and increase the interest of young people in entrepreneurship.  

We aim to make social enterprises more visible and accessible across the participating countries, support creating networks between social enterprises themselves, increase competencies of social enterprises to promote themselves, their products, services, and inspire young people to become social entrepreneurs. Moreover, we aim to make social enterprises more visible and accessible not just for people from their communities but for people (potential customers, partners) coming from other countries who are already familiar with the concept of social entrepreneurship and are highly motivated to support them. 

Donor: Visegrad Fund 

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Young Professionals Network (YPN) is a cooperative development platform composed of young professionals and different kinds of other entities, such as nonprofit organisations, youth organizations, business associations, freelancers, and businesses.

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