In light of YPN efforts to contribute on digitalization processes of the country and on regional cooperation our Executive Director, Françeska Muço participated in the “Civic-centric Digital Transformation” Conference inSkopje, Macedonia.
‘‘As the pandemic showed, we should invest more in digital skills and in the digitalization process, but these efforts should go hand in hand with citizens who know their digital rights and the necessary infrastructure regarding cyber security. E-government cannot be implemented without citizens who have the necessary skills to use it and the necessary understanding to not be used by technology’’.
In this frame, the results of the Annual Forum of Young Professionals 2021: “Digital Transformation, Necessity for Shaping the Future” were presented, where more than stakeholders were gathered to develop a policy recommendation focused on two main directions: infrastructure and skills, on how young people and young professionals can have more priorities, opportunities, and security in terms of access, education, and digital security, and actors, on the need for the involvement of relevant actors in their conversion into concrete policies and measures. This policy document was integrated into the ‘‘Youth Strategy 2022–2029’’.
Thankful to our partner Lëvizja MJAFT and Metamorphosis Foundation the support given with Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda.