Declaration by the Participants of the Forum of Young Professionals 2023
“Cooperation, Security, Values: NATO in a Changing World” held in Tirana, Nov 30 – Dec 1, 2023 Recognising the poly-crisis and the challenging security landscape in the world in 2023, highlighted by the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, as well as the general unrest in Europe’s southern and eastern flanks. Understanding the repercussions of
NATO’s Future Guardians: Unveiling the Strength of Young Professionals in the Western Balkans
20 February 2024 In December 2023, I had the privilege of attending The Annual Young Professionals Forum 2023: “Cooperation, Security Values; NATO, in a Changing World,” held in Tirana, Albania. Bringing together 25 young professionals dedicated to promoting peace, security, and NATO values in the Western Balkans, the forum shed light on the active role
Securing tomorrow: The crucial role of NATO under the loop of young professionals
“Cooperation, Security, and Values: NATO in a Changing World” was the topic of The Annual Forum of Young Professionals 2023 which was held recently in Tirana — Albania, by YPN (Young Professionals Network) with the support of NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the U.S. Embassy in Tirana. Institutional partner of this forum were the Defense
Qëndrim Publik
Gjatë Javës së Integritetit, Rrjeti i Profesionistëve të Rinj është angazhuar në forma të ndryshme duke përfshirë tryezën e rrubmullakët me temë “Integriteti në punë: Më shumë vende pune miqësore për të rinjtë” në bashkëpunim me Qendra për të Drejtat në Punë, CLR.AL , po ashtu dhe në Ditën Kombëtare të Rinisë dhe atë Ndërkombëtaren të të
Call for Applications
Forum of Young Professionals 2023: ‘‘Cooperation, Security, Values: NATO in a Changing World’’ Background: The security situation in the Western Balkans remains an important issue for NATO. Recent policy discussions have emphasized the need for NATO to increase engagement with the Western Balkans to prevent potential conflicts and instability on its eastern flank. The Western
Bridging the gap initiative
From 25 to 27 April 2023, Young Professionals Network joined the Bridging the gap initiative, aiming to promote dialogue between civil society and elected representatives from the region and from the European Union. The 2023 Bridging the gap brought together 19 Members of Parliament, 20 representatives of civil society organisations and three YPL alumni from
Final Conference of WBYL
After working for a year and a half on the “Western Balkans Youth Lab on Mental Health” this journey came to an end but with great results. During the Final Conference of WBYL in Belgrade, YPN and all of our partners from the region got to share all the products of our work so far
Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit
Youth Economic Empowerment is what we stand for! We had the great pleasure of attending the Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit in the United States with our colleagues from Helvetas USA. This distinguished summit brought together young people from all over the world, as well as representatives from donor agencies, international organisations, the commercial sector,
“Civic-centric Digital Transformation” Conference
In light of YPN efforts to contribute on digitalization processes of the country and on regional cooperation our Executive Director, Françeska Muço participated in the “Civic-centric Digital Transformation” Conference inSkopje, Macedonia. ‘‘As the pandemic showed, we should invest more in digital skills and in the digitalization process, but these efforts should go hand in hand
Deklaratë për ditën e drejtësisë sociale
20 Shkurti shënon Ditën Ndërkombëtare të 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗷të𝘀𝗶𝘀ë 𝗦𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗲, të vendosur më 2007 nga Amambleja e Përgjithshme e Shteteve të Bashkuara. Drejtësi Sociale do të thotë të përpiqesh të përfshihesh në zgjidhjen e problematikave si : varfëria, përjashtimi, barazia gjinore, papunësia, të drejtat e njeriut dhe mbrojtjet sociale, të cilat të gjitha i prekin të rinjtë